The benifets of using a clay pot on daily basis

Water is essential for our existence and we should have access to clean water for our daily activities. When you talk about drinking water, you need to be extra cautious. Nowadays most of us drink water from the RO purifier which stored in plastic bottles, and storing water in plastic is not safe , plastic contains harmful chemicals. In olden times everybody used to drink from the clay pot or earthen pot and they were a way lot healthier than us . Can you believe that by just changing the way the water is stored, you can make it healthy!
One of the amazing health benefits of using clay water pots is Cooling Water.
We all remember the good old days when we would drink water stored in the clay pots. Scientists claim that storing water in a clay water pot is the best way. Clay pots not only cool the water down, they also provide healing with the elements of earth. Most significantly, clay pots transfer the chill to the water based on the climate. This quality of a clay pot is unique, and no other container has the same quality